Our "day of rest" was definetly not what it sounded like. We started off with a walk around the market at 9 where we got to see everything from puppies to dried fish to shoes and everything in between. We also got a glimpse of the beautiful cemetery.
Shortly after the market we began our hike lead by Goyo. To start off we went down to the lake and learned the story of San Lucas Toliman. We they walked through coffee fields and learned all about the process of making coffee. After some tough hills and a lot more walking our hike finished at the IMAP (Institution of meso-american permaculture) where we got to see how permaculture operates. After lunch we were given the chance to buy some beautiful jewelry made from seeds as well as other hand made articles from families living around the institution.
Later in the afternoon we were given the chance to drive to San Gregorio and meet the recipients of the scholarships our church is providing. They treated us to fun activities such as water balloons and making people mummies before closing out with the traditional game of futbol. It was great to see and hear the difference the scholarships are making in the kids lives and meet the families as well.
Our day of rest definetly was not filled with rest but I think we all were ok with that.
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