Wednesday, January 4, 2017

From sunrise to sunset today, we were either on Lake Atitlan, or in villages on the lake's shore.

We visited three villages, including a co-op that produces clothing, blankets and decorative throws.

While on the water, we realize why the lake is known as one of the most beautiful places in the world.

While in the villages, we realize how much everyone depends on the lake, whether for fishing, transportation, or tourism.

In the evening, we visited the master mason, Aroldo's home. We saw that each family here makes it's own tortillas from scratch daily, including going to the mill. It is a tremendous amount of work, and must be done every day to help feed families.

We also saw how important our new eco friendly stoves are in this process. We made our own tortillas, and realized all the heat goes directly into heating the stovetop,  and that no fumes came back into the kitchen. The mason had explained to us earlier in the week that the stove uses about half the wood that previous stoves used.

Tomorrow we return to work on the next eight stoves. We know that our effort is making a difference in the lives of families who will receive one.

-Don Baraglia

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