June 10, took a tour around lake. Got the history of San Lucas, which
is almost 500 years old (est 1515). San Lucas also was moved from
another location to the lake as a result of Animal activity (Lions &
Tigers), and they moved to the lake near San Antonio (NOT the one in
Texas, this one is in Guatemala!) This community of San Lucas grew
because people immigrated to town. 27,000 people live here now, that
started with 11 families. Around lake there are 3 mayan dialects that
are spoken around different towns on the Lake. 80% of the land grows
coffee (cash crop). The other 20% grow corn, beans for local
With the Mayan Culture, we learned about the importance of corn,
and how it it planted. The corn is planted 2 feet apart with 4 seeds
per hil..and is planted in rocky places and hand cultivated there.
After a 5 kilometer hike, learned about permaculture and the local seed
bank. The corn colors coincided with the color associated with
direction. (white corn marks north), it also matches the moon phases.
The theme of the Discussion is to use the energy to your advantage
which includes: gathering seeds, planting, and other activities that
rely on energies for best results. The Mayans have practiced the art of
using the moon signs for activities for thousands of years.
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